Akemashite Omedeato Gozaimasu everyone!
There's so much thing that happen in 2015,
happiness ,
and more to come by 2016.
Every year setiap wishlist mesti tercapai.
and bertambah juge.
•Travel to Korea
•Travel to Japan
•Go to all the 7 wonders of world:
-Taj Mahal
-Great Wall of China
-The Roman Colloseum , Italy
•Buy a violin
•Learn Violin
•Study medic
•Be a doctor
•Have a kingdom of animal plushie:
-etc etc
•Own a nintendo DS or PSP (amboih)
and of course.
•Become a great muslim. (on the way)
Aaaa banyak lagi nak list.
Kay kay enough for now. *sengih
Hopefully dapatla tunaikan semua.
There's so much thing that happen in 2015,
happiness ,
and more to come by 2016.
Every year setiap wishlist mesti tercapai.
and bertambah juge.
•Travel to Japan
•Go to all the 7 wonders of world:
-Great Wall of China
-The Roman Colloseum , Italy
•Learn Violin
•Be a doctor
•Have a kingdom of animal plushie:
-etc etc
•Own a nintendo DS or PSP (amboih)
and of course.
•Become a great muslim. (on the way)
Aaaa banyak lagi nak list.
Kay kay enough for now. *sengih
Hopefully dapatla tunaikan semua.
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